Pray my 'current' : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
I greet you all in the mercyfull name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ. Please Pray for this man as he needs God in his life. He has done many bad things( I don't want to disclose that, as I have no right to judge him, but guidance he needs.) He has done enough damage, but he needs the Lord to guide him. Please, he is an old minister but very sturborn. Please pray that the Lord will do great things in his life. He preach the good and do the bad and the community is talking about it now.Regards
-- Anonymous, August 05, 2002
....added to my prayer list, Jerome.You, be encouraged....and stand....God knows and He's working it out. Remember that all things work together for good....
Press On !
-- Anonymous, August 05, 2002
Dear Jerome:Unfortunately, many of our "current" ministers and eladers are following that trend. There should just be a communal prayer for all of them.
God bless, Sis. Augsuta
-- Anonymous, August 21, 2002