Whenever I capture video with Snagit, it's so slow!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Ok. No matter what I do when I wanna capture video with Snagit. The result is always slow and skips. No matter what I change the frame rate to be, it doesn't help. What do I do to make it capture the video smoothly. Would enabling SLOW AVI CAPTURe help? I don't even know where that is. Help pleeeease!

-- Nikki (kim121654@msn.com), August 01, 2002


You could try that, but the problem is most likely either your processor is too slow (most probable), or your hard disk is too slow.

I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but HTH,

-- No One (no@one.com), August 05, 2002.

0. Close all the bacground applications (ex. antivirus, download manager, etc.) 1. Defragment your capturing partition or the whole harddisk. 2. Try Camtasia Studio instead SnagIt.

-- D.S. (sect2soft@yahoo.com), May 29, 2003.

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