1 week left of SummerStage 8-(greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mainstage : One Thread |
Hey you guys! Can you believe there is only one week left of SummerStage??? I can't!! It went by soo fast. In fact too fast!! I am gonna miss everyone so0o0o much! Especially my cast in Beauty and the Beast, you guys are awesome! But we still have the review, lets make it awesome!!!
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2002
I'm SOOO sad too! I think they should have a Summer Stage reunion in the winter or something so we can all see each other! LOL! This summer has been AMAZING for me and I'm gonna miss everyone SOO much! I'm really excited for the 20th Century Review though! I can't wait to rock out *PrOuD MaRy* :) ~LuV yA GuYz!~
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2002
Ya... I don't know what I'm gonna do when it ends, its like the whole highlight of each year now! *sniffle* and its like my family is here at Summerstage, I gonna miss y'all so much... especially those in the Emperors cast, you guys were the best! I will never forget the Golden Age dance, lol
-- Anonymous, July 28, 2002
Thanx Mary! Ur awesome too!! And don't u deny it! *lol*
-- Anonymous, July 29, 2002
Thankz Brooke!!! But still,I
-- Anonymous, July 30, 2002
Thankz Brooke!!! But still,I ain't all that good!! Lolz!!
-- Anonymous, July 30, 2002