Let's talk about FASTING !!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
On Sunday, the minister's sermon title was "Prayer changes things". He used the following scripture :
"And he said unto them, This can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting." Mark 9:29 (King James Version).
I consider prayer to be the christian's number one discipline for living the christian life. It is imperative for fighting the spiritual warfare that we all are involved in everyday. It is essential to listen to God and become so familiar with how He speaks and also to know how to talk to Him.
I have been intrigued by " fasting " for some time. I have also wondered why Jesus made this statement in Mark 9:29. Dr. Charles Stanley has said that one can fast by abstaining from food, sleep or pleasurable activities in an effort to be more sensitive to the voice of God in prayer. I have fasted on some occasions and have received a spiritual lesson shortly after the event. I have also noticed that God will speak to me more when I am in a " Be Still" frame of mind. I will admit that I have only fasted for 24 hours but some of my friends have fasted for 7 days!!!. Dr. Stanley said that after 3 days of fasting, one does not feel hungry anymore.
I would like to know what your experiences have been with fasting. I would also like to know if anyone out there would be willing to fast and pray for specific issues as a corporate body periodically. If we can decide to fast, I will say up front that I prefer to fast on Sundays. I believe that corporate prayer and fasting will make a difference. Thank you for your time.
-- Anonymous, July 24, 2002
In addition to the sensitivity Dr. Stanley noted, I've found fasting also helps us focus. It's a constant reminder that we're doing something special with the Lord that day. Maybe we're fasting for a special request, and every time a hunger pang hits we're reminded to breathe a prayer on that subject. It's also a good way to prepare for something special, be it a church service, series of camp meetings, Bible study, or cleansing a house from demons.Fasting with a correct motive certainly draws a person closer to the Lord. We're showing God we're willing to pay a price for something. A closer walk, a request, guidance, anything. We're performing a physical act of sacrifice, paying a price, and God responds to that over and above effort.
A Quaker brother named Richard J. Foster wrote a book entitled "Celebration of Discipline" with an excellent chapter on fasting. As part of it he instructs on how to go through a 40 day fast. The whole book is a life changer.
-- Anonymous, July 25, 2002
Thank you RP for informing me about the book called CELEBRATION of DISCIPLINE by Richard J. Foster. I am going to search for this book.Jazzman
-- Anonymous, July 26, 2002
Jazzman there are some wonderful books about prayer and fasting that can be found on our denomination's Christian Education web page. Dr. kenneth Hill PH.D and his staff head a remarkable Christian education department and some of the top scholars in the world have books that can be found in our Christian education department. One example is the work of Rev. Dr. Wyatt T. Walker and his book on prayer. When you go to the christian education department web page click on " christian ed. catalog. The address is www.ameced.com/index2.html
-- Anonymous, July 26, 2002
I have found that fasting is a very important step to gaining full spiritual closeness with God. I have fasted often and I have fasted for a long periods of time, the first time I fasted was in 2000 from Ash wednesday to Easter Sunday and i only drank liquids ( Mostly water). The Lord moved in a mighty way in my life. The second time I fasted I fasted for 35 days and I became so closed to God it was really frightening. Fasting and Praying are very important when you want the Lord to move in a mighty way in your life. He will open doors for you and let you see things you never dreamed possible, but with God all things are possible. I would be more than happy to fast and pray with you. I have fasted and prayed with a friend for a friend to be heal from a very serious illness and the Lord delivered. Fasting and apraying makes all the difference in the world.
-- Anonymous, July 30, 2002
Dear Sister Watkins,Thank you for such a positive response to my request. I have learned that there is power in praying and fasting. I have also learned that there is also even more power when large numbers of people agree to pray and fast about certain issues. I want to thank you once again for agreeing to pray and fast with me. At some point in the future, I don't know when, I am going to ask that we pray and fast about particular issues or if you like, you could ask me or anyone else on this bulletin board to pray and fast about issues. I will say up front that I prefer to fast on Sundays. Thank you once again for responding to my request.
-- Anonymous, July 31, 2002
Fasting in this Verse has been added to scripture from the original text. Even though it clarifies the word prayer in this usage we should remember not to add or take anything away from scripture.....according to revelation. Mark 9:29, Matthew 9:30, and Acts 7:5 are all mistranslations so to speak. The reason why the word fast was added i have no clue, maybe so the church would still keep fasting as a means of worship. Nevertheless The word fast has been taken out of newer translations, because of its inaccuracy only. IT came from the word prosecho, which means intense prayer. There is power in prayer and especially power in intese praying. If you have the faith of a mustard seed you will be able to move mountains. AmenIn Christ, Jeremy
-- Anonymous, August 27, 2002
Fasting is a way of humbling yourself before the Lord for him to lift you up.It is a moment of being still and knowing that he is Lord,moment of silence and being led by the holyspirit. I know people say that you can take fluids during a fast but you cn go without it is a matter of faith and seeking God. God bless you.
-- Anonymous, September 10, 2002
Let us fast to fight affliction and end domination over us. Let god lead us to prosperity in the land. Fasting and prayer warriors are needed to fast and pray an order for god to bring change and complete his end time vision. P.S just fast and pray hard asking god to do his will upon the land and around the world remember god is not dead but he is alive in us. I started a fast today can you join me around the world please respond let god move you.
-- Anonymous, February 27, 2003