Dark areas of image don't transfergreenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
It's been a while (10 yrs), since I've done xfers. My problem is that any dark areas of my image don't transfer, it turns out blue, while the lighter areas transfer fine. I remember this happening before, but never found out how to fix it. Any tips? Thanks for any help! Sue
-- Sue Koons (suseque@yahoo.com), July 19, 2002
The first thing I would try is to experiment with different papers. In my experience, dark areas seem to do alot better on Arches and Strathmore Watercolor paper. You can also try to adjust the brightness/contrast controls. Good luck!
-- emily naff (emilynaff@comcast.net), July 25, 2002.
Holly DuPree explains how to solve this in her excellent on-line book called "Polaroid Image Transfer Tools and Techniques" She say that you'll need to pour about two cups of hot water over the back of the negative and another two over the back of the paper just before you separate the two. This will keep the dark area attached. Have fun
-- Dave Doler (ddoler2@comcast.net), September 20, 2002.