nicole nordeman piano sheet music : LUSENET : Free Music : One Thread

hi there... i'm looking for the piano sheet music for nicole nordeman's "why"... i desperately want to learn this beautiful song so f anyone can help me i will be extremely grateful...

-- sirhc (, July 05, 2002


a music sheet

can you gib me a piano,flute,cello part for Nicole Nordeman'z song why... pplz it is important for a concert....

-- eun hae pak (, January 13, 2003.

Sheet music for "Why"

The sheet music to the song "why" can be found in the music book for "THis Mystery" it has the sheet music for all of the songs on that soundtrack. I think you could probably order it from any christian book store.

-- Jodee (, February 05, 2003.

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