what is a HBOVCD?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Just learing about VCD's and have come across some videos that say they are HBOVCD. What does this term mean?
-- Will Kleinschmidt (wkleinschmidt@cfl.rr.com), June 25, 2002
hey i was wondering if you get an answer about what hbovcd if you could email me with what it was. Thanks -Steven
-- steven (davidovs2002@yahoo.com), June 29, 2003.
Bonjour je suis à la recherche du codec pouvant lire le format HBOVCD Merci de donner un lien ou je peu me le procurer! Thanks. Im speak French. See u
-- Youla Ray (Ray_youla@hotmail.com), August 03, 2004.