We're losing another good program

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This coming Friday will be the last airing of Politically Incorrect with Bill Mayer. Apparently, he really pissed the network off with some of his round table debates since 9/11 and they're pulling the plug after 9 years. I bet this weeks shows will be some of the most heated.

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2002


Well, I haven't watched the show for years, because it comes on too late for me. But I think that really stinks -- if that's why it's cancelled. Has the show's rating stayed high?

Geez, it's supposed to be politically incorrect. I'd think that would include ANY unpopular view. . . . .

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2002

Hmm. I think Bill *Moyer* still has a show on. Depending on one's viewpoint, he may or may not be politically correct, I guess! I'm sorry to hear that we're losing a good program, Jay, although I don't know who Bill Mayer is. The more restricted the news and talk is, the worse off we get.

Could you enlighten me (us) more about this program? Thanks...

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2002

He has four people debate controversial topics and no one has to apologize for their stance on a topic. The discussion get heated and occasionally unatural alliances occur. He is the Libertarian ring master of the show.

-- Anonymous, June 24, 2002

It's actually Bill MAHER (pronounced MAHR). His show started on Comedy Central (cable) and was so popular, ABC bought the rights and ran it as a late night show. Here, it doesn't come on until after midnight. I'm usually still up, but if I watch, it disturbs my sleep. So I gave it up.

-- Anonymous, June 24, 2002

Well, maybe it will go back to Comedy Central and be an hour long again. I don't get ABC and don't get to see it too often. I liked it when it was on Comedy Central, because they could get much more into a subject. The half hour format barely scratches the surface.

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2002

I used to watch that show occasionally when it was on Comedy Central, but haven't watched it since it moved to ABC for the same reason as Joy...too late for me! I've always felt that if you don't like a program or agree with it...then just don't watch it!! Everyone is free to change to channel or turn the t.v. off. As long as it was on too late for young children, I don't think they should be cancelling it.

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2002

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