Daily Herb Listing - Allspice

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Style Homesteading : One Thread

June 17, 2002


Latin Name: Pimenta dioica

Alternate Names: Piment, Jamaican Pepper, Pimento, Clove Pepper


Parts Used: Dried, unripe fruit.

Properties: Anesthetic, Antioxidant, Antiseptic, Aperitive, Aromatic, Bitter Tonic, Carminative, Digestive Tonic, Stomach Tonic, Stimulant

Internal Uses: Chills, Colic, Diarrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Frostbite, Hyperglycemia, Indigestion, Muscle Soreness, Pain, Rheumatism

Internal Applications: Tea, Tincture, Capsules.

Topical Uses: Rheumatism

Topical Applications: The essential oil can be applied to the area of a toothache as a natural anesthetic. Bath herb for sore muscles. Mixed with other herbs as a rheumatism poultice. Sitz bath for dysmenorrhea. Compress or liniment to treat rheumatism. Cosmetically, the essential oil is used in perfumes, men's cologne and mouthwash.

Culinary uses: Cakes, chutneys, curries, custards, fruit, jam, pickles, pies, stews

Energetics: Pungent, Warm.

Chemical Constituents: Essential oil (eugenol, cineole, phellandrene), vitamins C, B-1, B-2 and beta carotene.

Contraindications: Avoid excessive use during pregnancy. Moderate culinary use is permitted.

Comments: The common name Piment is derived from Spanish, in which it means 'pepper', because the shape is similar to a peppercorn. Before the arrival of Europeans, Allspice was one of the most common culinary herbs of the Caribbean. The best Allspice comes from Jamaica. It is known as Allspice because its flavor resembles that of a combination of Cinnamon, Cloves and Nutmeg. Its wood was once in such demand for the making of walking sticks that the tree became endangered and was nearly driven to extinction. Allspice is sometimes added to commercial medicines to improve their flavor.

The common name Allspice includes the species Pimenta officinalis, which is used interchangeably with Pimenta dioica.

-- Cheryl in KS (mac0328@planetkc.com), June 17, 2002


Here a picture for you:

-- Cheryl in KS (klingonbunny@planetkc.com), June 17, 2002.

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