Anyone have Blue Seed episodes? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I`m looking for downloadable full episodes or part of Blue Seed. I have KazaaLite but am only finding the opening & ending pieces. Please send me a notice if you yourself have some or URL of where I can find them. If you`re sending a URL or two, please be sure the site is in english & that the videos are either in english or japanese. Please help if you can.

-- Anonymous, June 12, 2002


blue seed? man i havnt seen that shit in a while i thought it was okay not something id really like to watch but, its like those movies id only watch like three times a year

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2002

I`m trying iMesh now to find the episodes but am not having much luck. Please if anyone knows where I can find episodes of Blue Seed in english or japanese, I would be most grateful if you could tell me.

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2002

kazaa has ep 1-3 and blue seed II, ova 1...but thats it, anyone know where i can find the rest? ^^

-- Anonymous, December 25, 2002

I got this perfect collection DVD set. It has all the episodes on it. It has Japanese and English. You can find it in Best Buy, or suncoast, also in a comic store that sells anime. I got mine cheap at Best Buy When it was on sell. The case will have four disc's.

-- Anonymous, January 18, 2003

Why donīt you burn the cds for us hum jennifer??

-- Anonymous, March 19, 2003

i can't seem to find anything why dont they just write it in english so we all can have it PLEASE i really like Blue Seed it was really funny i have all the episodes Fushigi Yuugi so why cant they do the same for Blue Seed

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2003

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