Folbot conversion : LUSENET : Open-water rowing : One Thread

I have heard that a company or an individual in Massachusetts converts Folbot Greenland II kayaks into rowing boats. Does anyone know of this 'outfit'--thanks walter

-- walt weinberg (, June 03, 2002


Let me speculate that the company is doing something with a Piantedosi drop in Row Wing unit. Here is a picture:


-- Doug Kidder (, June 03, 2002.

Walt, I believe Doug is guessing correctly. The Row Wing would seem to work. However, the Folbot frame might need some modification. Some of the crossbraces are in the shape of an "O". To allow a sliding seat unit to drop in from the top, they would have to be replaced with crossbraces more in the shape of a "U". Using the existing crossbraces as a template, you could probably make open crossbraces out of marine plywood.


-- michael kaspareck (, June 05, 2002.

You can also check this one : Michel

-- Michel (, June 07, 2002.

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