Why the church is getting George while the psychic get rich.

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Why the church is getting George while the psychic get rich. There seems to be a lack of the expression of care and kindness toward each other.

I remember when The Honorable Eljah Mohammed first came on the scene; Do for self; respect yourself; showing respect for others, were his main themes. I'm not asking anyone to become Muslim, I remember when all of our great leaders became so through the church. These words and phrases were what brought people flocking to him too; they had a hunger for this; I believe they still do, and this is action not just words.

Our traditional churches, in the traditional church we hear; "love Christ, love The Father the Son and the Holy Ghost, and of course most of the songs have to do with loving God, and Christ." Thank God, praise God thank Jesus praised Jesus, and then the mundane chapter, verse, chapter, and verse. I think that's OK, there's room for both. Christian means Christ like. What did Christ do besides pray and praise God? He demonstrated acts of love and kindness toward each other. The Sermon On The Mount was the summary of what he had preached up and down the coast and synagogues of Galilee. Turned around what Moses had taught "An eye for in eye, a tooth for a tooth; Too "Turning the other chick."

The First 5 commandments "Pietas" deals with our conduct with God and parents. The last 5 commandments "Probitas" which deal with Uprightness in our way and conduct with and toward our fellow man. Mark 12:31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. John 13 34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 1 Thessalonians 3:12 And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you: 1 Peter 2:17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. School teachs civics, how the government works and other social entities; sportsmanship; But religion is about social conduct and relating to others also.

Why do some of them turn to psychics? It's like those placeboes that worked. Somebody is out there for you, there's you sense of self worth and something to live for. Or help them face a true they couldn't alone. Maybe churches need to be more open and social so it would look more attractive to young people; They need to invite them to the church for a home cooked meal. I don't have all the answers, But why is the church still getting George while the psychic get rich? Usually post at www.tbwt.com

-- Anonymous, June 03, 2002


Great Question - Life Skill One suggestion for why we have gone George is due to the 70's through 90's period of personal wealth. When we were poor and had less we as a people bonded together because we could not go far without support. Our attitudes towards worship and fellowship were different. As we have moved into this new millineum we find ourselves now reaping the harvest of selfishness. A sad and unfortunate era of ("couldn't care less") has resulted in our Churches harvesting less. We are now spectators to other leaders who reach out to the need of those 25-50 and are reaching success. I am gratified by new blood like Rev. Jamal Bryant who forges ahead in Baltimore like a house on fire. We need more leaders who are not afraid of getting out into the community more to bring more in.

We have great succes stories in the AME Church but not necessarily a standard of success across the connection. Help the kingdom building work of God and continue supporting your local Church. We can make a difference by pushing forward together.

God Bless You for your point

-- Anonymous, June 04, 2002

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