How do I align an Omega D5? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I finally got the basement finished and mounted my Omega D5 to the wall. But I can't figure out how to align the beast. How do I do it? FWIW, my D5 also has the D5500 power lift and power focus modules attached.Thanks for any help you can give.
-- Dave Willis (, June 02, 2002
Buy an alignment for the Omega D-5 at the following address:
Comes with instructions, which are very easy to follow. The owner of Classic Enlargers, Harry G. Taylor of Stamford, Connecticut, is very helpful if you need to call him to ask questions.
-- Jim Rock (, June 02, 2002.
Whoops! Meant to say buy an alignment "tool." Harry might agree to a house call, but you might not want to pay for travel expenses and time.
-- Jim Rock (, June 02, 2002.