Compatibility of Agfa/Ansco and Deardorff Backs : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I've noticed that the attachment system on the later model 5X7 Agfa/Ansco camera is the same pin and tab method used on the Deardorff 5X7 special. Does anyone know if they are compatible? Thanks.

-- Kevin Crisp (, June 01, 2002


Kevin - My gray painted Ansco (front-tilt model) back measures 8 1/2" square outside dimension. My mid-1940s 5X7 Deardorff back measures 8 3/4" outside. So they are quite close, but not directly interchangable. The Ansco doesn't use pins for mounting the back, just spring arms top and bottom, so I don't know if it is the same as the Agfa-Ansco you have seen. It seems possible an adapter frame could be made to mount one make back on the other make camera. Let me know if you need any other dimensions.

-- Leonard Robertson (, June 01, 2002.

Thanks Leonard. Guess it's time to dust off the router table.

-- Kevin Crisp (, June 02, 2002.

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