Ml-2 Flash/Camera compatibility : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

Hello All,

I have a Canon ML-2 ring flash that I want to use for taking technical close-up & macro pictures of automotive parts. I have been told by Canon that this flash was exclusive to the T-90's, although I read elsewhere on this forum that it will work on some EOS cameras. But, I plan to try it on a T-70 and an A1, and I am wondering how these combinations will work out, and if there is any possibility of damaging either camera's electronics, using this flash. Is there a possibility that I would be able to get TTL flash metering with the T-70 using the ML-2? Any advise would be greatly appreciated!


M. Peake

-- Malcolm Peake (, May 31, 2002


Of the T series, only the T90 has the ability to do TTL flash metering - you'll notice that the ML2 probably has 4 flash dedication contacts, but the hotshoe on the T70 only has 2. So I guess you'll only be able to use the ringflash in manual mode with the T70 or A1 (unless the flash has its own built-in sensor), complicated but I doubt it will do any damage to the camera.

-- Jeremy (, June 02, 2002.

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