Canon FD 50mm 1:1,8 : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread |
Does anybody have a Canon FD 50mm 1:1,8 s.c. lens for a small price. I live in Norway if that means something for your answer.
-- Yngvar Baardsen (, May 31, 2002
I have a 50mm f1.4 S.S.C in next to new condition w/caps $50 you pay the shipping.
-- r.mccomb (, May 31, 2002.
These lenses are very common indeed; it was the standard lens supplied with consumer FD cameras for years.Any camera store with a reasonably sized second hand department may well have one or more of these in stock. I would look to pay between GBP 20-30 for a reasonable example in the UK.
As it's so cheap, I suggest you find somewhere local or go via a reputable dealer - if you get sent a poor one, it'll cost you more to sort it out than it would to buy another one!
I'd offer you mine (and get myself a 1.4), but it's a new FD not a breech lock S.C.. It's also got bloom on one of the internal elements. It works fine, BTW. The new FD mount ones are just as good, but have a 52mm filter thread rather than the 55mm of the breech lock S.C..
Good luck!
-- Roger Broadbent (, June 01, 2002.