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greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

What is everyone up to today, after the long weekend? I am cleaning house and doing laundry!! I put some chicken in the crockpot, and I am going to make that hashbrown casserole that is on the cooking and crafts site. It is supposed to rain here again, that is typical lately. If we get one or two nice days in a row, it is a miracle!!!

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (me@home.net), May 28, 2002


Hi sis! Good to see ya'll back here. Good to see me back here too! This is a much easier site to navigate on and also much much easier to read!!

I'm settin here debatin whether to go after my baby trees this mornin or wait until after dinner to get'm. Gotta set about 50 white pines and cypress pups out today. Those ornery deer have decimated several trees of mine and I need to replace'm with young, tender little dudes so those deer don't have to work so hard! Come fall and we'll see just who'll be lookin out for'm. I think it's called a Swedish Mauser! I'm fix'n to learn to like deer meat again!

Still healed, still praising God for it too! Still telllin everybody that care to listen, or not, what He will do for'm.

Watch the virus's folks! I just received another email with one in it. old hoot. Matt. 24:44

-- old hoot gibson (hoot@pcinetwork.com), May 28, 2002.

I've been working hard to get the garden covered with grass, lining walkways with used feed bags. Picked about 60 pints of strawberries. Planted green beans this weekend.

Today it's chicken pot pie with home grown peas, potatoes and carrots and a chicken I killed myself.

-- Ann Markson (tngreenacres@hotmail.com), May 28, 2002.

Strawberries sound good! They are not quite ready here, but around the first week of June we should ba able to get some.

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (me@home.net), May 28, 2002.

Well, weekend was pretty eventful, at least Sunday was.

My five year old niece had a dance recital that day. The highlight though was the two - three year olds. They were hilarious. One of them was watching the coach, who was encouraging her to jump. Well, she started jumping all right; she looked like she was stomping out a fire with both feet. Then she started spinning with her hands above her head, you know how I mean. Only she didn't stop on cue, and kept on until you could tell she was really dizzy. She was spinning all over the stage, the crowd was roaring with laughter, eyes filled with tears. I haven't seen anything so funny in a long time . . . she was so cute.

Yesterday was a different story. My uncles, brother and I got together to decide how we would 'divvy' up the ranch. Each of my grandfather's sons / daughters was to get a share. One of my uncles bought out his sisters, making him owner of half the ranch. We are not extremely close, but all of us realize that we are family and are going to be neighbors, so all of us were on best behavior. My father having passes away several years ago, my brother and I were offered a piece of land that we both of us wanted. So my brother and I are going to share ownership and responsibility of 166 acres of brushland; large enough to hunt / camp and still be able to take care of fencing - roadwork. Taxes shouldn't be terrible; maybe $400 as the land will not be making any profit. Big change though. Weather is horrible not a chance of heavy rain for quite a while.

-- j.r. guerra in s. tx. (jrguerra@boultinghousesimpson.com), May 28, 2002.

Well, I am so glad we are back on this forum. This weekend was pretty eventful. Saturday David took the kids and I to the Indy 500 Parade, Then we went back to the house and watched movies, Sunday, he came over and we watched the NASCAR Race, Monday we went to my best friend Heather's for a cook-out. Very good weekend. Today I am working on guest lists for work, then going to go help out with guest services. Tonight, I am going to do laundry fix dinner and go to bed early.

-- Melinda (speciallady104@hotmail.com), May 28, 2002.

I MADE myself take some time off. The gardens are behind because of the rain, but families need vacations, too, so I didn't allow myself to work outside. The weather was nice for a change, too.

I took the kids to the movies, and I took them fishing for bluegill, I set up the kiddie pool for their entertainment, and spent some quality time with my husband. After all of that "relaxation" I was so tired today that I fell asleep just before lunch and just COULD NOT wake up for hours. The kids woke me up a few times to ask if they could eat this or that, and I would grunt yes, and go back to sleep. So they ate junk food for lunch, LOL, and watched TV all afternoon. Well, they are young and healthy and it won't do them any harm, LOL. My mind is still soggy but I am at last awake, no idea if I will sleep tonight.

-- Terri (hooperterri@prodigy.net), May 28, 2002.

Funny, Terri, and we spent our entire weekend working in the yard! Well, at least all day Sunday after Sunday School, until dark. Then Monday I took my mom to Shawnee to the cemetery and we put flowers on Daddy's grave, as well as his parents, grandparents and some aunts/uncles/cousins. They are all buried right there in the same cemetery. Yesterday I worked in the house and yard all day, then I took Mitchell to t-ball practice while Lance took Nick to swimming lessons, and we went to bed relatively early. Today Lance is at the fire station, and some of the girls from our Sunday School class brought their kids over to play - some of them had never seen a real live chicken before (O-kay!). They all had a ball, fed the chickens and petted one, blew bubbles, bubbles, and more bubbles for our goofy dog to chase, played in the sandbox, swung on the swings, ran the batteries down in the jeep (ride-on-toy), and probably a few more things I missed! Wore me out just watching them!

They all enjoyed it, though, and want to come back here at least one more time this summer (they usually go to a park, but thought our yard was better than a park!).

Tonight is Nick's "blastball" practice (kind of like t-ball, with fewer rules), and I'm going to bed early! Or at the very least, crash on the couch and turn into a vegetable!

-- Christine in OK (cljford@cox.net), May 29, 2002.

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