raising rabbits for meat

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Raising meat rabbits for profit : One Thread

I would like to know what type of rabbit is the best to raise for eating. We are just getting started and are not sure of what would be the best purchase.

-- Marcia Campbell (momrules66@hotmail.com), May 26, 2002


Much depends on your purpose. Selling to a processor? Go with the New Zealand White for faster growth rates (costs less to raise them). Some claim that Californians have superior taste, but being a smaller rabbit, may require an additional week or two of feeding to reach marketable weights. These two breeds are the top breeds to raise for meat purposes. Not uncommon and often desirable to mix the two by using a Californian buck on New Zealand White does. The resultant fryers are called "Smutts."

-- Pat Lamar (fuzyfarm@3-cities.com), May 26, 2002.

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