Let's not forget our veterans who have died and let's remember those who are still with us.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Tom Brokaw has done an outstanding job in helping this country remember our vets from world war II. Are you a vet or is there someone in your family that has served and should be remembered. To all the veterans on the board, thank you for serving our country! God bless you.

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2002


I intend to make several observations about Memorial Day tomorrow at Church School. Last year I invited the Army ROTC Commander from FAMU to speak to our church school body about the significance of this event. I for one do not take my civil liberties for granted and am extremely grateful for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for folks like me to enjoy the quality of life in the US. The AMEC recognizes its clergy who are chaplains in the US Armed FOrces. The Discipline (2000)lists those individuals by name, service, rank and location. Many thanks to those special AME preachers. For those who will be traveling to Wash DC this summer include some time to visit the Vietnam Memorial and Arlington Cemetary (Tomb of the Unknown Soldier). It is time well spent. QED

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2002

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