Beseler UNIVERSAL 45 LIGHTSOURCE questions : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread


This may be a dumb question but, what does the Beseler universal 45 lightsource do exactly? Is it a cool head lamp assembly only or does it come with color filters that can be controlled via another module? Do you need the other controller to operate it?

The reason I ask is because I know where I can pick the lamp assembly and power supply up for a pretty cheap price (maybe under $200) and I was thinking of putting it on an Omega D2 XL as an "update".

Does anyone have experience with this unit? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.



-- Sean M. O'Neill (, May 22, 2002


Teh Universal 45 is an additive RGB tungsten halogen colour head. Unlike dichroic colour heads, additive colour heads have one lamp for each colour filter. One controls the exposure by varying the output of each colour filter lamp. The Universal 45 has a 250-watt lamp for each colour.

Beseler produces two controllers for the head: one is the colour controller and the other, the VC controller with probe for B+W VC papers. They cost about a $1000+ each brand-new. The Uni 45 is pretty is pretty much useless without either of them.

There is another additive colour head which Beseler produces called the 45A which uses flash tubes for exposure. These tubes are no longer in production.

-- Erik (, May 25, 2002.

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