Print Older Negatives : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Thanks to all who responded to my last question on print washing, as always your input was appreciated. I recently came across some old negatives(616 film I think, 2 1/2 x 4 1/4) that I would like to make enlargements from. It appears that the original prints were contacts, probably using a mask/template to create the border. I have printed some 8x10's from a couple of the negatives, but would like to get as much area as possible from the negative. Do you know of a good way to print most of the negative? I am using a 23C II enlarger and have set it for 2 1/4 x 3 1/4, but the negative carrier does not allow for the complete negative area to be used (it is for the same format) and I am using a 105mm lens. Anyone with any ideas? I had considered using glass to make a carrier with, but don't know if that is the way to go or not. Sure some of you have done this before - it has been really great to play with, these are older images of my Dad when he was about anywhere from 4-5 months old to about 18 months - so there are other members of the family wanting to get a copy once I figure out how to do this.

Thanks again for all the help, you guys are the best....

Mike Castles

-- Mike Castles (, May 19, 2002


I don't think your present enlarger is capable of reproducing the entire image due to the size restriction of the enlarger. It can handle 2x3 negs only. Try contact printing or scanning and then having enlarged negs made from the scans. Or just contact printing the negs which is the way they were produced long ago.

-- james (, May 19, 2002.

Mike, as far as the negative carrier goes, I make mine out of black 4ply mount board, and have been using them exclusively for years. Just cut the required opening into two pieces of mount board and hinge, works like a charm. If you have any questions about this, just e-mail me. Of course, James has a point, and that may be the true limitation.


-- Christian Harkness (, May 19, 2002.

Hey! I thought I was the only one doing that, Mr. Harkness! I have made negative carriers for 4x4 and 6x7 this way. :-)

-- Patric (, May 19, 2002.


If you can find a 4x5 enlarger, a custom mask is simple. You cn lay th neg across teh 4x5 opening and mask teh image on the easel. Many camera clubs have 4x5 equipment.


-- RICHARD ILOMAKI (, May 19, 2002.

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