Wild flowers, wintertime, hogs, big cats and [preachin]

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Style Homesteading : One Thread

The fields are really purty what with all those tall yeller flowers on all that green stem! The sunshine was a very welcomed site today but that north wind reminded me of January! Apparently I lost some "brane power" since January---I didn't even think of takin my jacket along and most froze while outside.

The backwaters have subsided quite a lot in the last couple days. It needed to!! The fields are so wet it will be at least another week before any farmin can be done--that is if it don't rain anymore!

I stepped outside last evenin to help Lil Dumplin carry her stuff in from her bus she drives on her job. It was about 15 minutes till she got home and I was just fix'n to move some vehicles outta the way for her to park. Anyhoo---as soon as I shut the door a cougar hollered just about 50 feet away from this old hick. I told my feet to run but they didn't obey! So---the rest of me just stayed with those big cowardly feet--size 14!!! Mr cat left and the last I heard of anything was the neighbors dogs barkin--east of our house. I wondered if Mr Cat might've been hungry for hog. The neighbors house is just north of all those hogs--where 450 to 500 of'm drown in their sewage couple months ago. Mr hog farmer has another supplier of hogs for'm to abuse.

We was supposed to be gone this weekend but decided to stay home and let Lil Dumplin rest a mite. We need to go argue with Staples Monday sometime. Warrenty work on an extra puter and they're kinda draggin their feet about it.

Ya'll have a nice weekend--or what's left of it. Jesus Christ is still the same as He was 2000 years ago. Still waiting for your prayer of repentance. He's coming back soon. old hoot. Matt.24:44

-- old hoot gibson (hoot@pcinetwork.com), May 18, 2002

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