New MVF4 Video for download !!!! : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

New "homemade" MV F4 can download it at the address below and let us know what you think.

The next video will be footage of the MV at Phillip Island GP circuit.........can't ready start of June...

but for now, this is all we have...

-- Pete Hughes (, May 16, 2002


Ick. More windows specific stuff? Some people don't use windows... a .rm or .mpg would cover all of us... I'd love to see that movie but I can't at this point.

Sorry to complain, but I don't pay Bill G. He has enough money as it is.

-- Andy Ruhl (, May 16, 2002.

when will you correct teh f4 specs? they show the ducati ones?!

-- no (, May 18, 2002.

Yep. sure will........just as soon as we find a bit of time. We've decided to keep the site with both Ducati and MV content, but we're still re-juggling all the info.......

If there's anything else you think the site needs......let us know. Pete

-- Pete Hughes (, May 19, 2002.


-- yaykoi (, August 18, 2003.

I love MVAgusta

-- Melveris (, February 13, 2005.

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