5x7 extension backgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I have a 5x7 extension back to fit on a 4x5 Nagaoka camera. Anyone know what other 4x5 cameras it will fit? The Nagaoka looks so close to the Anba Ikeda I think they are interchangeable but don't know without having one. So, anyone with knowledge is welcome to enlighten me on this one.
-- Dan Smith (shooter@brigham.net), May 15, 2002
The only expander back I have seen fits Wista field cameras. I own one, and it is the least expensive way to get into 5 x 7.
-- Joe Lipka (joelipka@earthlink.net), May 16, 2002.
The extension back may also fit a Tachihara. Bob
-- Bob Moulton (bobmargaretm@insightbb.com), May 16, 2002.