Nikon N/F80 vs N/F90x : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I am considering purchasing a second auto focus body for my Nikon system. I am using a F100 & I am quite happy with it. As a second body what would be better a N/F80 or a N/F90X?? I am not bothered by the incompatibility of the 90x to use stabilisation lenses.Auto focus speed is more important plus durablity.I have not had the opportunity to try either of these cameras.I should also add that I do not; nor can I forsee me using AFS lenses.

-- Melvin (, May 11, 2002


Advatange's of the F80: layout very similar to the F100, more modern electronics, reputedly faster (slightly) AF, copatible with VR and G lenses

Advantage's of the F90X: sturdy, durable workhorse. Feels substantial which is easier when working with heavy lenses. AF is fast enough for me (I shoot fashion with long lenses and moving models, and catwalk). X synch is slightly faster

I bought an extra one after I got a F100 with my first F90X


Paul K

-- Paul K (, May 12, 2002.

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