I just cooked agreenspun.com : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
cow's tongue. I put it in a clow cooker about 7:30 this morning and took it out about 1:30. Had no idea how long it would take, It's so tender. Now, please, what do I do with it? I think I heard something about eating it cold. Thanks
-- Cindy (S.E.IN) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), May 08, 2002
I do believe I remember my MIL putting tongue in a meat grinder and making sandwich spread, with mayo, pickles, onions and whatever you like in a spread. That was before food processers were invented, so now you could put the tongue through the food processer and shred it. Just an idea. Good Luck!
-- Marilyn in CO (www.tomeatbeef@aol.com), May 08, 2002.
OK, this may be a stupid question, but what does tongue taste like. I am the worst person in the world to get to try new things.My mom told me about a friend of hers that would have sliced tongue sandwich every day after school. I am pretty sure it was cold, like bologna...just sliced a hunk off and ate it plain, no mayo.
-- Wendy A (phillips-anteswe@pendleton.usmc.mil), May 08, 2002.
It's been years but I made it the same way you did after its cooked you peel the outer skin off the tongue, and slice its good with horseradish sauce. Its more appatizing if your remove the largest part of the root of the tongue that part is not bad just looks bad. When I cooked it I couldnt bring myself to eat it it just lays on the plate looking like a tongue. But when I was a kid mom made it and it wasn't bad what im saying is its better tasting if someone else makes it.
-- ronda (thejohnsons@localaccess.com), May 08, 2002.
My mom always chilled tongue and sliced it for sandwiches. She treated it just like roast beef.
-- Maggie Eaton (dragonlady430@earthlink.net), June 26, 2002.