Goldstar "VS" Fedders which is best? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Ok I have located 2 air conditioners that are priced the same. A Fedders 5000 BTU and a GoldStar 5250 BTU. Both feature a 1-year parts and labor warranty and a 5-yr compressor warranty.

Which one is the better a/c??????? Opinions, experiences with either appreciated.

-- Kenneth in N.C. (, May 08, 2002


Fedders is an older line, but I've had a GoldStar that was just fine.

What is the SEER rating of each? I would suggest going with the higher efficiency unit.

-- Notforprint (, May 08, 2002.

I believe they were both rated 9.3

-- Kenneth in N.C. (, May 08, 2002.

Aren't they both made in Korea?

-- (, May 08, 2002.

I have been out of the A/C business for some years now but, I remember a Fedders 5000 btu that wouldn't cool the area of a dog house let alone a bedroom. And the compressors quit under warrenty lots of times. That may have changed now, I don't know. Fedders used to be the best in my opinion before they sold out to White/Westinghouse. Who knows, maybe it gets hot in Korea.

-- Paul Martin (, May 08, 2002.

I had a Fedders for 12 years and it was used when I bought it. It always worked great!

-- Jodie in TX (, May 09, 2002.

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