What a week...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

It has been a strange and trying week around here hasn't it...First no forum for several days, Mitch leaving, all of the spam troubles and now this password thing. I think I want a raise!!! Ha, Ha, just kidding.

Well I am taking the day off tomorrow. No computer for me, so have a good day, and behave yourselves!!! There are still about 75 requests for passwords in my hotmail, I just do not have the strength to cope with them right now... so if you notice people complaining or asking please let them know that I am taking the day off, and I will start working through them Monday...

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (me@home.net), May 04, 2002


Also, THANK YOU to everyone who helped delete and who offered too. If I did not accept your offer of help, it was not personal. It just takes a little time and instruction to catch on to how to delete the posts and I did not have time to show you how. So I had some people who had helped before and who are moderators of other forums. I do apprecite your kind offers to help out. Again, Thank you so much, without all of you, we probably would not have had a forum left.

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (me@home.net), May 04, 2002.

Well, Melissa, you have certainly earned your keep this week. I would be in favor of voting for a raise for you....say, at least 50% more than you're getting now. (Don't spend in all in one place, heehee.) You deserve a day off.

-- Lenette (kigervixen@nospam.com), May 04, 2002.

I've just sent a letter to the corporate office demanding that your salary be at least doubled, and preferably tripled. :-)

-- Cheryl in KS (klingonbunny@planetkc.com), May 04, 2002.

Melissa, I think you have handled yourself just wonderfully and I hope you have a wonderful day of rest with your family.

-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), May 04, 2002.

Melissa, I'm new to this forum. Well, I've been lurking and have to say you've had tons to deal with, so have a blessed day off and don't worry about the board. :o) We all need to pray for this Stan, not only for him, but for ourselves that we don't become hostile, bitter, angry etc... like he has. I think it's sad that he has such a capasity to lie to himself, he his so tightly wound around hate and anger. Blessed are the persicuted for MY name sake. We are told several times that if we are His lights we WILL suffer persicution and that we are to consider it a blessing. Enough said, please lets move on forgiving and forgetting. Blessings, Kelle in MT

-- Kelle in MT (kellemt@yahoo.com), May 04, 2002.

Melissa thanks for all you do. I know that I do not post often but do so enjoy. No trouble getting on. It is Sunday here in NE. Oh and the sun is shining for a change and I hope all is right with the world. Enjoy your day and family.Billie NE Oh

-- billie jagers (billie@config.com), May 05, 2002.

Melissa -- hope the first few days of this week have been more peaceful for you and Cale and the little ones. I think we have a much nicer place here now, and it's all due to your efforts. Most folks would have just walked away.

This online family means a lot to a lot of people. I'm sure that you know that, for some of us, this is one of the few places where everyone understands you in a way that people in our personal lives might not. The support that this forum offers, without the small- minded attitude of some of the "other" forums is truly wonderful, and it wouldn't be here without your efforts.


-- Tracy (trimmer31@hotmail.com), May 08, 2002.

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