"Jiffy" egg scale question

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

A friend gave me an old Jiffy egg scale. It has an oval shaped hole in the right hand side with a cotter-pin type of thing hanging in it. Does anyone know what this is fo

-- J.S. (stoom2@hotmail.com), May 03, 2002


Could a counter weight, go there?

-- lacyj (hillharmony@hotmail.com), May 04, 2002.

I have an antique egg scale, not sure the brand. It has something like what you describe and has 3 small weights that hang from it. They are labeled small, med, and large to determine the size egg you have.

-- ellie (elnorams@aol.com), May 05, 2002.

Thanks, Lacyj and ellie. The hole isn't big enough to hang a wt. from, just this cotter pin. I'll keep looking

-- J.S. (stoom2@hotmail.com), May 07, 2002.

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