Developing a hearing ear : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Earlier we noted that God doesn't want us to stay in the same place spiritually too long. He wants us to remain on the move like a conqueror. To know where God wants us to go next we need to be able to hear what he's saying to us today. We need to develop a hearing ear.

There are many ways we can do this. Books have been written on the subject. A guest pastor we hosted in our church shared a few I'll list here.

1. Break down. God wants to break us down. Even after salvation we're full of fleshly tendencies. There's a will to be broken, pride, anger, lust, on and on. This process never stops. God reveals new areas we weren't aware of before. We'll also have to go over some areas mulitiple times, dealing with them on deeper and deeper levels. And as we do, praise God, we'll become more attuned to His voice, and able to move into new territory for Him. It may be a new ministry, a greater prayer life, greater understanding of Scripture, who knows? That's one reason the Christian life is so exciting...if we continue to progress. Some days it's like an exciting amusement park ride. Enjoy it, secure in the knowlege you're safe in Him.

2. Break in. This is an advance in intimacy with the Holy Spirit. We go through experiences with God, and these lead to increased faith. This causes an increase in courage and peace in the midst of adversity. God then takes us through more advanced lessons. All along the way we come to know Him better, and hear His voice more effectively. We see Him communicating with us in new places all the time. You'll hear Him speaking in that co-worker or that child. Maybe you'll hear Him speak through a newspaper article. God speaks through the most unlikely sources at times. For example, when I hear Islamic militants speak, God reminds me that the Last Days draw ever closer, and that the church must be about His business with vigor.

3. Break out. When an army breaks out, they race across the countryside in rapid conquest. God wants that to be you. God wants that to be your family and your church. He wants to transform your region through you and your fellow Christians. He wants revival! One of the things that's typical of Holy Spirit revivals throughout history has been a tremendous increase in divine revelation - the hearing ear!

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2002


Right On!! Our pastor just preached the same message. The Holy Ghost is bearing witness in my heart to what I heard today in Church and what you have written here:) Onward & Upward!!! In Christ, Annie

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2003

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