Can you do this to an a/c unit? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My old a/c quit. My neighbor gave us one to replace it. IF I could put the replacement a/c on its side it would fit nicely. Can You Do That, and the A/C/ still work? When did the a/c makers stop making vertical a/c units? Oh well my age is showing. :o)

Thanks ya'll.

-- Kenneth in N.C. (, May 02, 2002


Not an expert in A/C, but system is pressurized so that should not be a problem. I would think the only problem would come from the compressor. I believe there is an oil chamber at the BOTTOM and if turned on its side "could" cause problems. Can you remount just the compressor to be upright?

-- Joe (, May 02, 2002.

Pretty sure Joe is right, the compressor won't work side ways on any other kind of refrigeration unit I expect an Ac unit is the same

-- Ross (, May 02, 2002.

the a/c unit is made to operate in one postion only let it rest a bit in it`s fineall position after you install it or the compressor will have a shorter life

-- nick (, May 02, 2002.

No..the compressor is made to operate in factory mounted position. The above comment about installing the unit is you tilt a unit on it's side, you need to set it upright in factory position and allow it to rest (several hours the more the better) before starting it. If not you will burn out the compressor. You would encounter other problems too; ie. water condensate would drain into home/wall. It would be best to cut a hole in the wall (up high) and install the unit thru the wall. It would provide you with a window for your outside view -- what it was intended for.

Good Luck!

-- milam (, May 02, 2002.

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