What to do for coughing very PG goat

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dairygoats : One Thread

Hi Everyone, I have a very pregnant goat, due second week of May. She has recently started coughing alot. This is not just a (Pulled her head out of hay dust cough) This is a at least once a hour good coughing spell. Can I give her Antibiotics? She has no other symtoms of any illness but I do not want to wait until she gets real sick. She is due soon and I am afraid I will lose her and babies. Should I give her antibiotics or should I wait and see if any thing else develops? Or could she be coughing because of Pregnancy, pushing on lungs etc. She is not overweight? I have Tylan 200 and Pencillin here and can get the non sting version of Tylan 200 easily. It is the spring rainy season here. Any help appreciated. Thanks What would I do without this forum...

-- Barbara (vozarbi@sensible-net.com), April 25, 2002


Barb, If she doesn't have a temp or any other symptoms anti-biotics aren't going to do anything but upset her rumen. I would have to say that it might be allergies or maybe lung worms.Has she been wormed lately? Have you done fecals? When it is real dry and dusty here, I have 2 that cough all the time till we get a good rain. Personally I don't use anti-biotics unless they are clearly indicated. Susan

-- Susan North tx Panhandle (arniesusan@antden.com), April 25, 2002.

I would wait. Use the day after her delivery to hit her for lungworm since you have to worm her anyway. For now how about using Robitussin or the like? saanendoah.com has the dosages. We have used liquid bendryl at the people dosage before, bet the Robitussin would be the same. Vets can perscribe antihistimines, but it is cheaper to just get them from wallmart generic. I don't use antibiotics unless I see fever, unless there is something specific going round.

Do all the normal things, sit in the barn and make sure there is no ammonia smell, especially where she is hanging out. Make sure lime or DE, or anything powdered you use is raked in. Make sure she is getting exercise everyday. If it is really wet outside and she has increased her roughage intake with hay, is she coughing up her cud more? Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), April 26, 2002.

This may sound dumb, but I have noticed that my does will often have a coughing fit after their collar has been pulled on, or after strainging against a feeder or through a fence or stanchion, anything that puts pressure against the trachea. Otherwise, it could be that the kids are putting a lot of pressure on her lungs and chest cavity? Is anyone else coughing?

-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), April 27, 2002.

Thanks to all who answered me, I really did not want to use antibiotics so quickly. She has slowed down on her coughing on her own and I am just watching her right now. She shows no illness and is eating and seems very healthy. This is my first for kidding and I am nervous about the whole thing....UGH :) can't wait for those babies... Thanks Vicki,Rebekah and Susan.

-- Barbara (vozarbi@sensible-net.com), April 27, 2002.


I had to use Eprinex on a preg. doe 2 years ago and had no problem with it. Only recently I was told by my vet that it can also treat lungworms.

All the best! Lorna

-- Lorna (clstuckless@thezone.net), May 05, 2002.

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