Anyone want a barn? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Some time back I aquired the right to help tear down a barn for materials. This is a barn that is well over a 120 years old with solid oak, hand hewed timbers, with wood pegs. More than enough to re assemble and make a home, or put back together as a barn. Well, the folks that own it want to be RID OF IT. I'm not bound to have it done at any time, nor to do any clean up when I'm done. Take all that I want, leave the rest. Problem is that it's just me. Iv'e also had 2 surgeries in the last 8 months on my right hand and I'm still recovering. They plan on BURNING IT!!

-- Jack C (, April 24, 2002


As I was saying before I hit submit. I hate to see this barn beams go th waste. I still want to get a few rafters, the rwest can be yours or at least what you want. This barn is located in Central Indiana, about 45mins east of Indy off I70. Jack

-- Jack C (injack1@aol. com), April 24, 2002.

Jack - How big is this barn? I need to build a new barn this year for horses, goats etc, & need to do it as cheaply as possible. How far from Chicago area is the barn? This may be the answer to my desire for a good (large enough) wooden barn. (All that's holding up the old barn is the horse stalls, and I can't believe it is still standing.)

-- Debbie in Il (, April 24, 2002.

well, we'd be terribly interested and we're in Southern Indiana, about 2 hrs from Indy. Where exactly is this barn and how soon are we talking about here?? They aren't going to be burning it within,like, the next week, I hope!!

-- Tracy (, April 26, 2002.

How would I get in touch with you, off-line, if I were to to do this with you?

-- John Fritz (, April 27, 2002.

I could probably lend a hand, too. I'm within three hours for sure. What's the time frame in which this has to be completed?

-- Gary in Indiana (, April 28, 2002.

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