Joy is off-line for a while : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

She wanted me to post and tell everyone not to get too wild and do things like turn all the postings into two inch high purple letters. Apparently two inch high red letters would be okay.

Seriously tho, her computer is out of commission for hopefully only a short while,and then she'll be back to doing housekeeping chores as needed.

I'd snitch and tell you what happened, but she'd get mad at me. I guess it's up to her to confess what happened....or not...

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2002


Hope it wasn't a hard drive cleaning.

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2002

You mean hard drives aren't dishwasher safe? :>

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2002

Oh shoot! Now you've peaked my curiosity. Oh come on, tell us what happened. LOL!

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2002

ROFL @ Sherri. Good one.

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2002

TOO LATE Julie! You done went and mentioned it and all - you're going to HAVE to tell us now. Come across with the goods sistah or someone'll get hurt...


-- Anonymous, April 24, 2002

Ya, well, the one getting hurt will probably be me, either way around. All I'll say is, do you happen to remember a skit on Saturday Night Live -- 'The Pepsi Syndrome'?

This is similar.

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2002

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