F55 Shutter curtains

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Hi! Recently, I purchased the F55. I'm aware that the shutter curtains are one of the delicate and sensitive components of the camera. I happened to notice that the curtains (though not bent or anything like that) don't really lie perfectly flat on each other. I noticed this when i hold it under light and view the curtains at a very slant view (bottom-up. In other words, there are points where the subsequent curtains don't rest tightly on each other. (Only two points of such) Is this common? As in maybe due to the mechanism not able to align a full 100%? Do I have to do anything? By the way, when viewed straight at the curtains, they looked perfectly ok. Please response. Thank You. Eric

-- Eric (eric_kong@pacific.net.sg), April 23, 2002


Have you seen any ill effects in your pictures? Never mind how the machine was constraucted; if it works, it works, right?

If everyone where to poke into every nook and cranny, how upset we all would be that the bedpost is maybe put together a bit askew ... while the bed sleeps allright ...

Go back to sleep!

-- Frank Uhlig (uhligfd@auburn.edu), April 25, 2002.

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