Veena teacher in South NJ? : LUSENET : : One Thread

Hi! Can anyone give me reference to a veena teacher in southnew Jersey around middlesex and mercer county? also,wher in nj or ny can one buy a veena.


-- Anusha Sriram (, April 22, 2002


Bhuvana Kannan in edison, NJ teaches veena but I am not sure if she is taking more students at this point.

-- Srinath Srinivasan (, April 27, 2002.

She can be reached at 7326039408

-- Srinivasan (, June 04, 2002.

I have heard a veena concert of Manjula Ramachandran , she plays excellently, she is teaching too in Edison.

-- rajesh (, October 09, 2002.

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