Our WV vacationgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread |
Well, we finally took a vacation (my husband is hard to convince at taking time off!).We spent four nights & five days in beautiful WV!
First night was spent at Tygart Lake State Park. Second night at Canaan Valley Resort Park. Third night at Watoga State Park. Fourth night at Kumbrabow State Park.
We tented the whole time, which was a new experience for our little one, but she enjoyed sleeping with mama & papa & listening to the rain on the tent. Yes, rain! ;)
The first 2 days were nice & hot & sunny, but then it rained the rest of the time, which we don't mind at all - it made everything VERY green!
Along the way we visited Fairmont, Grafton, Philippi, Elkins, Parsons, Thomas, Davis, Blackwater Falls State Park, (wanted to go to Dolly Sods, but it was too wet!), Seneca Rocks, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Marlinton, Pearl Buck Museum, the cute little historical town of Beverly and everything in between!
Just wanted to share our travels with you & let those of you who live in WV know what a beautiful and FRIENDLY state you have! ;)
-- heather (h.m.metheny@att.net), April 22, 2002
Sounds like fun! You are a brave, a one year old in a tent!!
-- Melissa in SE Ohio (me@home.net), April 22, 2002.