How do I make pickled limes? : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread

When my mother was a child in Boston Mass. she loved to buy pickled limes from the seafood stores. She is looking for a recipe that pickles the limes whole. We have searched on but have only found recipes for sliced or ones that include chilies. She is certin that no chilies were used and that they were eaten whole and by them selfs. Thanks for any help. This might take a Yankee to figure out.

-- Joe miller (, April 21, 2002


Joe- Here is a recipe for picked whole limes: Sorry- I don't know how to get the address on here other than typing it. I made a batch of pickled limes, and I just sliced them and sprinkled the slices with salt as I packed them in the jar. I let them sit in the fridge for a couple weeks. If you have any Oriental groceries in your area, you could probably find them pickled whole. I have bought them before at a Thai grocery store. Good Luck! Merry

-- Merry (, April 22, 2002.

Merry, Thanks so much for your response. That is the recipe that I could never find. I beleive that it is going to be torture for my mother to wait three months for them to get done. Thanks again.

-- Joe Miller (, April 22, 2002.

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