A good word

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You may be familiar with the devotional book, "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers. In this book Mr. Chambers uses one word over and over - abandon.

He uses it several ways. One use involves casting off all restraint for God, as in "worship with abandon", or "work with abandon".

Another has to do with giving all. "Abandon all for God."

Whichever use he uses, it relates to another good word - focus. Oswald Chambers advocated a focus that didn't allow for distraction. Worldly things would not be allowed to intrude, whether in worship, living, or ministry. He'd throw himself into whatever God had called him to do that moment with tremendous focus, and without distraction. In other words, with abandon. Let circumstances be what they may, they'd bounce right off as he set his face to do what God demanded for that moment with total focus...with abandon!

Oh that God's children would learn to live this way. Attachments to things of this world lead to our being pulled this direction and that. We worry, we get angry, or maybe we just forget about God for a while because we're busy. But an upward focus on the Person of Jesus helps us to move about this world much more effectively because our worldly affairs are consecrated to Him. He takes over, and guides. He guides US in the handling of our day to day living, and He guides THE UNIVERSE so that the circumstances of our day go according to His plan. Our part is to decrease, to give up control...to abandon!

Here's some tools to help you focus. #1, begin your day with prayer, meditation, and the Word. This will get you into the right frame of mind.

#2, consecrate your day, yourself, and all connected with you to God. Speak it to the Father with your lips. Make a solemn vow to follow His direction.

#3, speak to your body in Jesus Name and command it to submit to your soul. Then speak to your soul and command it to submit to your spirit. Then speak to your spirit and command it to submit to the Holy Spirit. Finally, surrender to the Holy Spirit. Speak it! Ask Him to control you completely in thought, word, and deed this day. If you find yourself drifting during the day, speak to whatever is drifting (that thought, your mind, your emotions) and command them in Jesus Name to submit to the Holy Spirit. If they don't submit right away, wrestle back and speak it again. Live the opposite.

#4, fast. Those physical effects you feel throughout the day will be a constant reminder to worship, to petition, and to stay focused.

#5, fill the atmosphere around you with blessing. Music is great here, and that's why I prefer the praise and worship category of Christian music. Also pray "swishing prayers". These are small prayers for everyone and everything you come into contact with. Prayers of petition, and also prayers of blessing.

Critical to this last area, watch your words. Words carry spirit power, and curses and judgement come about because of our words. Let your words agree with God on every subject. If not properly administered your words will destroy the atmosphere of blessing you're constructing.

This was a bit long, but I think it's space well spent. Time to put feet to your faith!

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2002



Thank you for such powerful spiritual growth tools. I was particularly touched by your statement, "watch your words. Words carry spirit power, and curses and judgement come about because of words. Let your words agree with God on every subject. If not properly administered your words will destroy the atmosphere of blessing you're constructing."

I have also noticed that words truly carry spirit power. It reminds me when Jesus said that it's not what goes into man that defiles him but what comes out of him that defiles him because what's in your heart comes out in the form of words. Sometimes when the devil attacks me with certain thoughts, I am tempted to say negative things but I praise God for controlling my tongue so that these negative things are not said. I strive to spue out positive comments for the most part because when it has the potential to create a more positive atmosphere. Thanks again for this powerful word.


-- Anonymous, April 19, 2002

Thank you so much for the above RP. I am taking it to my Bible class tonight to share with them. Thanks again and God bless.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2002

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