harassment due to disalilty/pregancy

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Law Of The Workplace : One Thread

How should I handle harassment from my boss due to being out on short-term disability and returning pregnant.

-- Julia Rivera (jules10035@aol.com), April 18, 2002


Well i think you should do a report to this and don't stay shut. You stayin shut will just make things worst than they are and then what are you going to then??? You should do something about it and even though you may think that you might get threatin you won't. This has to end one way or another but one can be for the worst or one can be for the good. So what do you think is right?? Hopefully the right choice so nothing can be turned for the worst.So hope I gave you some in fo that is helpful to you and you'll find the answer.If any questions you find my e-mail on the top. Liz

-- liz (Angelgazeness@aol.com), March 03, 2004.

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