Livestock auction in Western Washington? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Does anyone know of a livestock and/or poultry auction within easy driving distance of the general Seattle/Everett area? Thanks. ---Jeff
-- Jeff (, April 17, 2002
The Marysville Livestock Auction up by 116th and State St.
-- Celeste Bishop (, April 17, 2002.
Jeff, A little father away is the Enumclaw Sales Pavilion. They have a sale every Saturday. Poultry starts at 11AM and larger animals at 1PM. The poultry sale is usually large and well attended. Tom
-- Tom (, April 17, 2002.
Everson Auction, 7291 Everson Goshen Rd. Tel. 1-360-966-3271
-- Judy S (, April 17, 2002.
Thanks, all!
-- Jeff (, April 18, 2002.