Does anyone know of a.m.e worship services in tokyo japan : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

My daughter will be visiting tokyo and we were wondering if there are any a.m.e services there. Does anyone know? Thanks

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2002


There are no AME churches in The Land of the Rising Sun to my knowledge. Make sure Danielle has an updated passport and she buys her yen currency in the "forward market" BEFORE departing the US. Exchange rate changes can be quite a surprise once you arrive at your destination. Now that I think about it, I need to update me and Jennie's passort :-) QED

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2002

Thank you Uncle Bill, her passport is current. And thanks for the tip about the money exhange. We were actually wondering if there was a service at our military basis. Thanks so much!

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2002

Hi There All

Don't you all think that it is about time that we spread our wings to ALL the parts of the wold and not to certain parts only. I think there's to much space in the AME church for all Gods creations.

So let us try and formulate a plan to reach all the souls we can.

God Bless you all.



-- Anonymous, April 23, 2002

Jerome you make an excellent point about reaching out to all humanity. The reason I posed the question about Tokyo is because my daughter is taking a vacation there and we wondered if there were any a.m.e services there since our military personel are stationed in Japan. Bishop Bryant is encouraging the fifth district to reach out to the asian and latino community.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2002

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