hardboiled eggs

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread

how long will Hardboiled eggs keep? Can I freeze them??

-- Stan (sopal@net-pert.com), April 15, 2002


Good question Stan, especially now that Easter is gone. I like the idea of freezing them.

-- Susan in MN (nanaboo@paulbunyan.net), April 15, 2002.

I've never tried it, but I don't see why not. Do you like them pickled? Pickled eggs will keep a long time.

-- Jill (lance1_86404@yahoo.com), April 15, 2002.

I dont like them ppickled,, I usually take them to work with me, and since iM getting a Doz a day, from 20 hens,, I figured to save soem time,, and hordboil them now,,IF I can keep them for a period

-- Stan (sopal@net-pert.com), April 16, 2002.

At least 2 weeks.

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (me@home.net), April 16, 2002.

they get rubbery when frozen. the best way I 'store' extra eggs in the spring is to take all the sweet potatoes and winter squashes that are showing their age, mix up your favorite pie, loaf, and/or quiche recipe and freeze it that way [I use cottage cheese containers, just the right size for one pie - or just put in glass bowl for custard.] - can't tell it wasn't just mixed up fresh !! or mix up plain egg custard. I had sweet potatoe custard last nite that had been in the freezer for 2 or 3 yrs. just like fresh !!

-- carol (kanogisdi@yahoo.com), April 21, 2002.

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