Racing fuel : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Is there any benefit to running a high octane racing fuel in the MV Agusta F4S? Thanks in advance for your help! JimF

-- Jim Fikse (, April 15, 2002


I don't remember which issue it was, but Sport Rider did a dyno comparison of some fuels. I believe it was a certain version of VP that gave them something like 9 more horsepower, and this particular version was head and shoulders above the others.

The only real reason I can see to use higher octane fuel is to keep detonation away. If your bike doesn't detonate, then don't bother. If you really need that power, go for it, but some of these race fuels will set you back like $10 a gallon. Not worth it as far as I'm concerned unless you are actually racing.

-- Andy Ruhl (, April 15, 2002.

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