Seeing and being seen : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

It's Sunday morning, and most of us will head off to church. That's good. Now let's ask what we're going to do, how we're going to do it, and why?

Will you worship, how will you worship, and why?

What will you wear, how will you wear it, and why?

Any choir members, musicians, or soloists? How will you sing or play and why?

Will you dance, "amen", or otherwise be demonstrative? How and why?

Will you preach or teach? How and why?

In each of these areas, motive is critically important. There's a right reason, and a wrong reason. Only you and God know why you'll do things the way you'll do them in church today. Will He be pleased, or will your only reward be the praise of men?

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2002

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