Weekend practices in April and May?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

Hello all, Any plans for weekend practices? I think Mike said something at Einstein's about some late spring events. So, as I'm gonna be available Saturday afternoons or Sunday mornings, can I be the one to make the plans? Or, Mike, have you got an idea?

-- Fritz (fpmenninger@hotmail.com), April 12, 2002


Fritz, I'd suggest you set something up. Let people know the date, time and place for training and you'll usually get a few people to show up. You can announce the training by email and the OK forum. The sooner the word gets out, the better chance for people to make it.

I'm trying to get some weekday evening sessions going in the KC area. It looks like we'll meet Thursday evenings (usually at Shawnee Mission Park) for some running with at least some orienteering (simple orienteering, park O', line O', etc).

-- Michael (meglin@juno.com), April 13, 2002.

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