What was Poe earlier childhood like?greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread |
We are searching for information on Mr. Poe for a presentation and would like to include information about his early childhood in it. If you can supply information to us we would appreciate that.Ciao Hills
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2002
His mother died shortly before he turned 2, at which point he was taken in by John & Francis Allan. He was intelligent & rambunctious. The year escapes me at the moment, but when he was quite young (perhaps 6?) the Allans moved to England. Edgar went to boarding school at Stoke-Newington, which later served as a setting for his short story "William Wilson." During this time, Francis Allan was ill quite a bit. When John Allan's business venture failed, they returned to Virginia. At this time, Poe was about 11 years old.Yes, these are all vague generalities, but there isn't much known about his life. If you're really interested, try reading a biography or three (at least the early childhood bits). They have lots and lots of information. I recommend those by Silverman, and Quinn, as well as the Poe Log, which has everything you could ever hope to know about the man.
-- Anonymous, April 25, 2002
When Edgar Allen Poe was a very small boy his foster parents put him in the care of a Negro mammy. She would put him to bed at night, then come back later and get him and take him with her to the Nergo quarters where he would hear blood-curldling tales of ghosts and murders and strange creatures from another world. It's no wonder he uses to have weird nightmares and wake up screaming.
-- Anonymous, February 06, 2003