Daily Herb Listing - Guggul

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Latin Name: Commiphora mukul

Alternate Names: Gum Guggul, Indian Bedellium, Guggulow


Parts Used: Resin.

Properties: Alterative, Analgesic, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Expectorant, Astringent, Nervine, Rejuvenative, Stimulant, Thyroid Tonic.

Internal Uses: Arteriosclerosis, Arthritis, Bronchitis, Cystitis, Debility, Diabetes, Dyspepsia, Gout, Heart Disease, Hemorrhoids, High Cholesterol, Hypothyroid, Lumbago, Obesity, Rheumatism, Stroke, Tumors, Whooping Cough

Internal Applications: Tincture, Capsules.

Guggulu helps reduce high cholesterol, because it lowers harmful low-density lipoproteins while elevating the beneficial high-density lipoproteins. It helps prevent blood platelet aggregation and breaks up already formed blood clots. Thus, it helps prevent heart disease and stroke. Because it helps activate thyroid function by improving iodine assimilation, it may stimulate weight loss. It stimulates white blood cell production and has an antiseptic effect upon body secretions. It also helps to stimulate the regeneration of nerve tissue.

Topical Uses: Canker Sores

Topical Applications: A dropperful of tincture can be added to a glass of water and used as a gargle for canker sores.

Energetics: Bitter, Pungent, Warm.

Chemical Constituents: Phytosterols.

Contraindications: In rare cases, an allergic skin reaction can occur. It disappears when use of the herb is discontinued.

-- Phil in KS (cshomestead@planetkc.com), April 12, 2002

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