Replacement Bellows/Omega D2 Enlarger : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Does anyone know of a good source for replacement bellows for an Omega D2? Thank you for your help.

-- Merg Ross (, April 11, 2002

Answers which is in Florida or http:// which is in England

-- Scott Walton (, April 11, 2002.

A few years ago, I had my D-2 bellows replaced by Turner Bellows. I believe they were in Rochester N.Y. I sent them the worn out bellows so they could match the size and use the same metal frames that were on the old bellows. Service was excellent.Price was very reasonable.They may have a website.

-- Eugene (, April 11, 2002.

You can find most D2 parts at

Best Regards, Robert

-- Robert Cockrell (, April 11, 2002.

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