how to measure team effective, in relation the effects of trust on team : LUSENET : work teams : One Thread |
i am having a research about the effects of trust in team on team effectivity. i assumed that trust between persons in a team has several effects on the effectivity of the team. but, i haven't found any theories that tell about the exact standard of the effectivity of a team. i just found several opinions and tips. i would really thank you if you can give me some information about that theme.
-- hendra agus prasetyo (, April 10, 2002
Trust within a system has been shown to increase productivity and bottom line performance by as much as 50%.
-- raylene ross (, May 20, 2003.
I would like to get some more informations about the advantages and disadvantages in working in a team.I would like the name of the author such as Belbin, Follet, Mayo and Thuckman ect...
-- Florent K. Kpangni (, November 27, 2004.